Air Conditioner? Please?
All of us that work for my school district received a letter stating that all of the schools in our district were starting school with working air conditioners. We were thrilled to death because in the four years I have been in that school I have never had a working air conditioner at the beginning of the school year. This year my a/c worked, but it was pouring out very humid air. It made my posters curl up, and it has destroyed all of the lamination on the documents in my room.However, I was the only one in the sixth grade hallway with a working air conditioner. So I was pretty closed to getting lynched. I was afraid that the entire sixth grade was going to start bringing their students into my classroom because the heat everywhere else was impossible to handle when there are 30 teenagers in the classroom!
One of the other teachers called one of the news channels. They did a pretty big story on my school and how difficult it is to teach when it's 90 degrees in the classroom.
The principal at my school took that very personally, and hired an independent contractor to come in and fixed the air conditioners at my school. She did get angry with all of us. Apparently we aren't supposed to complain about the heat in our rooms.
Funny thing, the air in the main office has been working fine.
Ok, so these strange people (who smell like cigarettes, and it's driving me crazy!!!) have been in and out of my classroom all week. They keep coming in, staring at the ceiling, and then walking out. Really, it's pretty funny.
Today I had to give a pretest for an SQS project that the science department at my school is doing. It has 100 questions and most of my students are going to freak out just looking at the number of questions. They are all multiple choice, and the questions are general knowledge, which they should know anyway.
Today, however, the stress was greater because there were a bunch of men in there staring at the ceiling. Not only did they stare at the ceiling, but they also decided they needed to vacuum out my ducts ( I hate the word "duct"). It was pretty loud. My poor students. It's 800 degrees in my classroom (ok, not really 800, but it feels like it!!), they are taking a very intimidating test, and some random men are vacuuming (LOUDLY) in the ceiling.
Sigh. What does a public school teacher do?
Deal with it.
Hey, this afternoon when I left, it was nice and cool.
But......the edges of my papers were curling up again.
Wish in one hand, shit in the other.
I'm glad it's getting cool again. Why don't the school invest in refigerated air? Wouldn't that save a lot of headache? Oh wait I forgot what school district this is. LOL
So the main office was fine...that should have been included in the investigative news report!
This is very interesting site... » »
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