" Life as a Middle School Teacher: Still not back to normal


Thursday, August 25, 2005

Still not back to normal

I have made an effort to keep my location to myself, because nobody really needs to know where I teach, just THAT I teach. So I can't explain why I have been gone all week because it would give away my location. Although most of my readers know where I am.

This has been a very emotionally exhausting week for me. I wish I was small enough to crawl into my mom's lap and cry. However, I have two other little girls curled into my lap and they have been crying this week. Weird how "adulthood" hits you in strange ways like that.

I have not been at work since Monday, so I cannot update on how my sub has survived the week. I promise that I will tell you how it went as soon as I can. This weekend is shaping up to be quite the busy weekend for me, so I don't think I'll have time until Sunday afternoon to get on here again.

I wanted to take a minute and say thank you to a few people.
First, to the neohippy guy, or whoever he is. I didn't want to link him, because I don't think his blog deserves a read. He made a comment in his blog that I was scary because I spelled two words incorrectly in my profile. While I don't appreciate the form in which his criticism was sent, I do appreciate the criticism. I updated my profile information and I believe that it is indeed correct. I also appreciate that in his attempt to defile an unnamed teacher, he linked to my blog, thus increasing my traffic and also my revenue. Thank you very much hippy dude.

Thank you to the folks at Gazoo. I received my weekly member email and I was not only mentioned, but also linked. That was a nice gesture, and after the day I had previously, that email hit the right "feel good" spot.

Thank you to my husband's colleague Nate, for reminding me how wonderful my husband is.

And I wanted to say thank you to my brother. This morning I was an emotional basketcase and there was nobody in town who I could call to talk to. So I called him. He was home, and he listened as I cried and I made him cry. I think I would have been stuck at the side of the road for hours if it wasn't for him.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger funlearning said...

Great blog. And I must say that neohippie is a jerk. Honestly who goes through each and every blog spell checking each word. Gimme a break!!! Like we're not all allowed to misspell a word once in a while. I hope the rest of your week gets better.

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made me cry again, thanks a lot sis!
Anyway, "Thank you go the folks at Gazoo" I'm not sure about that one, I think you can fix it better than I.

At 6:17 AM, Blogger lobo5747 said...

I fixed it bro.

And yes funlearning, I agree. However, each person is entitled to blog about whatever they wish. If he wants to pursue a blog full of bashing, then far be it from me to argue.

Besides, he seriously increased my traffic. I'm ok with that too. And I did appreciate the criticism. He was just a bit of a jerk about it.

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