A Silver Lining
Yesterday was a particularly hideous day for me. I attribute the turd-ness to the end of the first full week and I will start over on Monday with a perky attitude again. However, after my reading class yesterday I was ready to throw in the towel take up prostitution.It's a big class, that is the first grumble concerning this year's reading class. I should have no more than 14 and so far I have 19 in there. They are all low readers and they also feel that they CAN'T read, which always makes for a fun kid. I have this child named Andy who believes he would enjoy living in an anarchist society. I asked him if he knew what that was, and he said no, but the symbol looks cool.
They came in after lunch, they sat down, and they talked. I stood in the back and I waited. They talked some more. I waited some more. I could have easily put an end to it and remained patient, but I didn't. Instead I grabbed the teacher's manual for a REALLY old chemistry text, and I dropped in very hard on the floor. It was loud, and it got my point across. 19 little heads bobbled and turned towards me. 19 little faces looked like I shot their dog. I scared the crap out of them, and I felt totally ok with that action. I am not ashamed, so don't bother reprimanding me.
We had a discussion about their behavior and why they felt it was ok to sit and talk for ten minutes while the teacher waited. One of the students did bring up that I didn't make an attempt to gather their attentions to me, and he was correct. I retaliated with the age old, "you need to be prepared to work when the bell rings" comment. That includes sitting still and not talking. They all agreed that I was correct. Their assignment for yesterday was to write an eleven-sentence paragraph explaining to me why it is important to be prepared without their mouths shut when class starts. I haven't read any of them yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Then the boss lady distributed our paychecks. This is the first paycheck with the new raise on it, and I really wasn't sure what it was going to look like. I slowly folded the crease, then tore off one of the strips. I did the same with the following two before I carefully opened the green paper that held my riches for the next two weeks.
I had trouble standing.
This paycheck is by far the largest amount of money anybody has ever given me to do something called "work." I felt like the blisters on my big toes on BOTH feet, the way my voice went from strong and solid to meak and hoarse, the pain that I am currently experiencing in my claves is all justified. I actually got paid to teach.
Now bring on the payday happy hour.
I will see you all next week!!
Yes, we survived the first week, and YES, there are students who are already sticking out in my mind. Especially one, who's already given me a handful of trouble. At least you got paid, my first paycheck isn't until the 30th.
I also assigned a "why we all should shut up" type of assignment, of course with 5th graders it was just a 2 paragraph writing on how they can improve their behavior. Some of the kids can hardly write, or read, or add and subtract, which makes me ask the question, have these kids even been going to school for the last 5 years?
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »
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