" Life as a Middle School Teacher: A "Thank You" to my state's legislators


Sunday, August 07, 2005

A "Thank You" to my state's legislators

I ran out of coffee this weekend. I rarely run out of coffee. For me that is about as bad as when a soriority house runs out of toilet paper. So early Saturday morning I dragged my very hungover and not too happy butt down to the, *gasps*, local Starbucks. I ordered myself a grande Carmel Macciato (and I know I didn't spell that right, but I don't really care). The man in the speaker box thanks me for my order, then asks if I would like to add the daily newspaper. As my normal "no thanks" begins to fall out of my mouth, my brain intercedes and I say sure. At the window I hand my cash to the annoyingly perky 17-year old cashier with the cute butt (damn her) and she hands me my coffee and my paper, and I drive my not cute butt back home.

What? What's this I'm reading in my daily newspaper? There is a huge article about the tax-free weekend. How in the name of retail did I not have previous knowledge of this? One of my memory minders is about to get fired.

In a fury, I got myself, my very tired husband, and my oldest daughter ready for a back to school shopping spree. I am more than broke, however, a bounced check is worth a tax free weekend.

Off to retail therapy.

I bought so much stuff I didn't even have anywhere to put it. All of the back-to-school purchases are being stored in the middle of the kitchen floor. I want to take them out, and touch them all. I love school supplies. Pens, pencils, crayons, notebooks, paper, binders, folders. I love them all. It's weekends like this that remind me that teaching does have it's perks.

So thanks to all of the state legislatures that pushed for, and won, this weekend. Every teacher, every student, and every parent appreciates what you have done for us.


At 4:51 PM, Blogger funlearning said...

I can get everything tax free everyday at the BX. LOL

Did you know what all you needed to school supplies? I'm still waiting to get a list since Randee's school is so particular on what he can and cannot take.


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