" Life as a Middle School Teacher: Four years of disappointments


Friday, May 04, 2007

Four years of disappointments

I signed my official notification of "change of position" for next year. I've been at this school for five years and have been waiting to get my original job back for three of those five years. I abhor teaching science and I've been patiently awaiting my 6th grade language arts job to return to me. My change of position paperwork notifies me that I'm going to be put into 7th grade language arts.

This does not make me happy.

I could have taken a 7th grade position last year, and I chose not to so I could stay in 6th grade. I don't like 7th graders. They're horrid.

I'm currently at odds with myself and this decision. I love my school, I love the staff, and I especially love my students. However, I don't want to do 7th grade. So what do I do?


At 3:21 AM, Blogger Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

I just stumbled in to your blog. I taught 7th grade language arts and I absolutely loved it. If your school is 6,7,8 I think 7th is the best. They make huge changes in this year starting out as little kids just after adjusting to a year in middle school. They aren't the youngest and they aren't the oldest. They are so ready to be anything that they will do anything. If you teach poetry you'll have 15 kids who want to be poets. The next week they'll all change their minds and want to be actors. I also found 7th graders will still do anything because they don't know that they "hate it" yet. I love that they come in the beginning of the year with the clothes and hair mom sent them in with and by the end of the year they are spiking it up and stealing concert t-shirts from their older siblings.


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