" Life as a Middle School Teacher: Nearing the end of the 1st quarter


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Nearing the end of the 1st quarter

I'm in a state of shock because it went by so quickly. I received the folder that has all the bubble sheets for me to fill out, and I almost fell over. Is it really time to turn in grades for the first nine weeks already? Wow! On top of that, I received a memo stating that I needed to turn in a copy of my first nine weeks final exam, which I didn't know I was required to do. I scrambled to put a final together and get it turned in. Phew. I have everything done. I'm giving my final on Thursday and Friday of this week and turning in my scores to the boss lady on Friday afternoon.

I have had no more rain on the floor of my classroom. When the roofers came in they must have patched the roof well because it has been raining for days here. That is yet another worry that I was happy to get rid of this week. I watched the rain come down all weekend and all I could think about was the amount of damage in my classroom. Woohoo!

I finished a unit on classification of living things last week and gave a unit exam. I had no idea that classification was such a difficult concept, but it sure is for 6th graders. I even allowed my students to use their notes on their tests and I still had a ton of failing grades. I had more students fail than pass, which is embarassing to me. Does that mean that I really didn't teach the material well, or did they just no care enough to go through the information better while they were taking the test? When I analyzed the scores, there wasn't one question that seemed to cause more trouble than others. The one question that they missed the most asked them to decide which kingdom of living things humans belong to. Apparently they are under the impression we are Protists. Frightening.

We're going full steam ahead here, despite some of the unhappy situations we have had to deal with. There is some serious angst among the teachers, and we are received with anger when we discuss it with the principal. It's a personal issue with her, and she gets mad. So we shut our mouths and go away to deal with the little stuff in our classrooms. I have tried to pull myself out of the goings on of the school. It isn't worth it to me to know what is going on. I just want to teach. I'm counting down to Christmas already.